
Is there a difference?

Is there a difference?
Originally uploaded by kiwêhowin.
Flickr users seem to know. Some of the comments generated a lot of controvery with other posters, but I learned a lot (my comments in purple).

In the US, I think Coke Zero is supposed to taste like Coke Classic but without the calories? It's better than C2 was (yuck!).

@Pragmatik - LOL. They're all pretty disgusting if you think about it. And I did. You'd have to consume 50L of the stuff to go over your RDA in sodium. Now that I think about it C2 has disappeared in Canada too.

Yes, as Pragmatik said, the Coke Zero is intended to taste like "real" Coke, while the Diet Coke has its own distinctive flavour. Even here in Canada.

Good to know. I'll have to do a side-by-side blind taste test sometime.

I can't tell the difference I wondered the same thing ... imo its a marketting thing. I think its to get blokes who think Diet Coke is for women to frink diet drinks! Maybe I am just too cnoical though!

@Dave - That's a pretty good theory. I can't think of the last time I saw a guy go for a Diet Coke. Now I will have to watch Coke Zero buyers much more carefully.....

There is MOST DEFINITELY a difference. The formulas are totally diffferent... I like Coke Zero much better. Two things Coca-Cola has learned...1. Never take away a long time brand name (i.e.TaB, with customers that are fiercely loyal) and
2. Never make a drastic formula change of a flagship brand. Remember 1986, when New Coke came out? Disaster...So, Coke is leaving Diet Coke where it is, and announced another diet Cola... Coke Zero. Good move. Let it find its own level. Sure, there will be some cannibalizatiion of the Diet Coke brand, but more people are happy because they can choose which one they like better.

@Kevin - You make some great points,... I do remember the New Coke debacle. And, as an added bonus, Coke now has two no cal drinks to Pepsi's one....

never heard of COKE ZERO, we only have Coke light and Coke light with lemon flavor...

Big topic. First, the 3 basic food groups: fat, sugar and salt. The new Coke is rating low on all three. Second, diet Coke tastes vile. Third, Coke Zero: a beverage for zeroes? Finally, you can get no-sugar no-caffeine Coke, but I say: "What's the point of that?" Next thing you know they'll be taking out the fizz

@nascent341 - Oh no, another variety! Now I have to think about what Coke light (with or without lemon) might be. :)
@Dunottar - you forgot the most important food group: chocolate. No wait, maybe that was part of the food pyramind (I can never remember): Beer, pizza, chocolate. Mmmm,... fizzless Coke. I think I'll stick with water. Or beer. :)

Looking at the labels? It looks like diet has 1% more sodium? Heehee. I dont drink soda, so I can't write much about the taste... :)

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